Tax Mistakes to Avoid

It’s tax season. Tax season can cause us to feel anxiety, stress, confusion, and/or procrastination. These can lead to mistakes on your tax return, which can lead to late filings and even some penalties. Red Crown wants to help you avoid all of this with some basic tips. When researching common tax mistakes, we found the following:

Incorrect Status

Selecting your status is a big part of determining how your taxes are calculated. Deciding your status can be easy if you are single with no children, but for people who are married, single parents, or even caretakers, it can sometimes be difficult.

If you need help figuring out what your status is, go to

Social Security Number

Who would have thought that one of the most common mistakes in filing your taxes is putting the wrong Social Security Number (SSN)? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses your SSN on your taxes to match what your employer and financial institutions have paid you. Putting in the wrong SSN happens more when you’re writing or typing your spouse’s and dependent’s numbers. Simple Tip: double check- then triple check to ensure that your information is correct.


According to Block Advisors, there are about 2 million math mistakes made on taxes. The mistakes range from simple addition to complex calculations. These math errors can happen when people are doing their taxes by hand. Why go through all of that when you can use a free tax filing software at https://apps.irs.gove/app/freeFile/.

Incorrect Bank Numbers

If you get a refund, you have the option for your money to be refunded by direct deposit – it’s the fastest way to receive your money! By choosing direct deposit, your refund will go right into your bank account. To go this route, you will need the financial institution’s routing number and your account number. Again, to avoid this mistake and possible delays on receiving your money, double-check your numbers.

Unsigned Tax Return

You made it to the end and everything is correct! Make sure you don’t forget to sign your tax return. If you submit an unsigned return, the IRS considers it invalid and your return will not be processed. Also, don’t forget that both spouses must sign a joint return.

Missing the Deadline

Make sure you file on time! The normal deadline to file is April 15th of each year. Start early, get it done and filed to avoid penalties.


Taxes season is no fun, but if you take the time to understand your tax situation you can get it done and avoid costly, frustrating mistakes. There are many helpful tools on the internet, such as: If you are member of Red Crown, you can use TurboTax online at a discounted price.

*Red Crown Credit Union is not a financial planner or advisor, and this blog gives general ideas on how to save money. Individual results may vary.

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